Monday, May 28, 2007

We are family.

I have more to say on the topic my title lays out, but I am tired out from having been on the road half the day so that I could spend the other half with my families, biological and otherwise. See, it hit me again, on my way up I-71 by the light of a sun that was setting fat and red over my left shoulder, on my way to spend the night at my flaming-sworded friend's house, how much my life has grown to incorporate an enormous extended family that has replaced the extended biological family to whom we don't speak. I thought about this on mother's day, when I called my mother (who will always be my only mother) first, then called my excellent friend and e-mailed my dissertation director--two women who did immense amounts to help me grow into myself. I thought about it when my Lexingtonian friend called me Auntie S. while introducing me to the Newest Lexingtonian (whose fingers and toes you can espy above). I'm thinking about it much more now and will undoubtedly be writing about it much more, as well, but not yet--not until I'm awake enough to do it justice.


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