Some hot descriptors.

igneous, a.
[f. L. igne-us of fire, fiery (f. igni-s fire) + -ous. (F. has igné, It. igneo.)]
1. Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of fire; fiery.
2. Resulting from, or produced by, the action of fire; esp. in Geol. Produced by volcanic agency.
ignivomous, a.
[f. late L. ignivom-us (Lactantius), f. igni-s fire + vom-ere to vomit: see -ous.]
Vomiting fire.
magmatic, a.
Of or pertaining to the magma (sense 3).
magma, n.volcanicity, n.
[a. L. magma (sense 1), Gr. [magma] (from [massein]: to knead).]
3. Geol. a. One of two or more supposed strata of fluid or semi-fluid matter lying beneath the solid crust of the earth. In mod. use: A hot, fluid or semi-fluid material beneath the earth's crust from which igneous rocks are believed to be formed by cooling and solidification and which erupts as lava. b. The amorphous basis of certain porphyritic rocks.
Volcanic action, activity, or phenomena.
See also: volcanized, volcanian, volcanization, volcanist.illuminate, n. and a.
[In use as past participle and participial adjective before the introduction of illuminate v., of which it subsequently served as past participle, but was gradually displaced by illuminated.]
A. pa. pple. and adj.
1. Lighted up; made bright by light. archaic.
2. Enlightened spiritually; divinely taught or inspired; in technical use, converted, baptized. Sometimes contemptuous = professing to have the inner light.
3. Enlightened intellectually; well-informed, learned. archaic.
4. = illuminated.
B. n. A spiritually or intellectually enlightened person, or one claiming to be so; one initiated into ‘the mysteries’. archaic.
That's right: some hotness is going on here tonight. Sparks from fingertips. Scorched earth keyboards. Such pages of fire, such catchy phrases. But so much more to light up your eyes tomorrow: tonight I'm burning in another direction.

source for tonight's images: the U.S. Geological Survey's Volcano Hazards Program. It has a photo glossary. You should go explore it, not least because it's awesome. The top image here is a strombolian eruption; the bottom one is basalt.
Oh, I'll say it again, but where I should have said something in the first place: I love this fiery snake with an ash coat of everything it has already destroyed. Awesome.
Yeah, you know, I'm really compelled by this image, too. I think that someday I'm going to have to travel to a volcano so that I can see what that elemental mix-up called lava actually looks like while it's doing its work. I've been using the phrase "slow burn" a lot this semester (as in "it's a slow-burn kind of passion"), and for me there's something of that idea in this picture. The sky here is kind of a gentle version of these colors right now--a grey following the last salmon-rose of sunlight down to the horizon.
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